Flying Update – Sept. 16

After a pretty successful F2 weekend at Barton a few lessons have been learnt and a few are yet to be learned.

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First final, big smiles all round

I always new this would be an uphill battle, my first consideration when getting on the handle again was centred (no pun intended) on dizziness issues. The Epley Manoeuver came to my rescue, you can try it here:

Epley – YouTube

Secondly, whilst flying I occaisionally ‘lost’ my pitman< this has resulted in some comedy pitstops but over time fewer mistakes are being made. Staking something to the ground as a landing position reference can help,  but ultimately getting your bearings every lap seems to improve with handle time.

Some models handle MUCH better than others. My Wing Fing F2CN model is my current favourite, and I believe my own piloting performance flying this model is improved, so it will be a base level for trimming future models.

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Racing three up I have found that there is lots going on so I set up my phone to video the races so I can view them later. Two things are immediately clear – I need to be fitter, and I need much, much more practice.

Many fellow pilots are willing to help and fly very fairly. Murray Wilson (2016 F2C World Silver medallist) is a class flyer, very chilled and more than happy to explain what’s happened post race. It has been my privilige to fly two finals in the UK with Murray this year. Some coaching did occur..

So what have I learned so far? Keep walking forwards all the time, this is point one, it sounds so obvious. Point two – keep your left shoulder forward in order to prevent blocking overtaking pilots. Blocking seems common practice in the UK, and being on the receiving end of your opponent  not allowing you around and through makes for an awkward race.

I have viewed Rob Fitzgeralds excellent video, this coupled with real life experience has helped me to start understanding what’s happening in the middle.

Blocking explained – YouTube

Other areas I need to work on include overflying the previous segment by 0,5m, whilst landing accurately and gauging the point of shutting off appropriate to the model being flown. This is work in progress!

2016 has been a very steep and enjoyable learning curve, I never thought I’d be competing in a F2CN final this year. A huge thankyou goes to all who have helped me with the technicalities, namely Murray Wilson and Bernie Langworth for piloting advice and Allan Swinburne for his excellent pitting at the September Barton F2 day. And lastly but not leastly, Sion for inspiring me to start flying again and his help at the Spanish and British Nationals – cheers bud!